Staff (Job Roles)

Director/Writer - will plan the advert (the pre-production guy). Will complete much of the pre-production process (script, storyboard) so that the rest of the cast and crew know what to do. They can also be burdened with the paperwork.

Camera Operator - covers most of the production. Will likely also operate any microphones on a small project such as this.

Sound Designer - you might need a separate boom mic guy if the one attached to the camera is insufficient.

Editor - covers most of the post-production. Assembles the footage and such into the final cut, if you will.

Actors - hire some actors 'or models who have some ability to act'.

Caterers - Claire or someone else who makes steak slices.

Website Designer - someone who, unlike Travis and I, has actually been taught about web design when they signed up to be taught about web design. This role will actually consist of a graphic designer, who focuses on the looks and frontend stuff, while a separate programmer deals with the backend. You could also wheel in some focus groups to gather initial feedback if you have some more money to burn but we can cover this in audience feedback.

Any one of these could also double up as a driver/ 'transport logistics person' to save us getting a dedicated one we're on a tight budget here probably.

Poor Mr Sir is crippled. Like Travis.
