Types of Brief

Contractual brief - the type of brief in which a media company hires a client to complete a piece of work. They are contracted to work for the company for a certain time. The brief itself needs to be incredibly informative as the person partaking in the project doesn't normally work with the company. Also includes legal fun stuff.

Negotiated brief - this brief is when two people meet in the middle to create a final brief. This incorporates both sides of ideas, and means both sides are able to input, meaning a stronger output is more likely. But this can cause conflict.

Informal brief - this brief is more often verbal rather than written. It is less frequently used as it has a much higher likelihood of failure (Travis) thanks to there being nothing in writing. Like the Big Beat Manifesto. But there is a lot of scope for creativity here, as well as a lot bigger risk of being misunderstood.

Tender brief - When the company send out an advert for clients to pitch their brief ideas to the company. This works like an auction, with clients 'bidding' for the company to use their ideas. The company then chooses what idea fits their desires and compiles this into their final formal brief as they want it.

Formal brief - this brief is very descriptive and gets to the point. It highlights the rules and regulations in detail to help the client. The client and company can then discuss the brief and come to a formal decision. It isn't always legally binding as well. As such, it's very open to ideas and negotiations, but makes it easier for people to breach the contract.

Bonus brief - Commissioned - A client hiring a separate independent company to create a product for them, with the company doing their own research, proposal and planning. They then develop the product based on this. The whole process is overseen my a commissioner from the client.

Thanks, website.
